2025 Nursery Opening

2025 Nursery Opening

The nursery staff and volunteers have been working throughout the hot summer to grow plants to order and to stock our Nursery.
Our retail nursery is fully stocked with indigenous plants from the Goulburn Broken region with a selection of other native plants for your gardens.

3.3lt pots ($15) 1.5lt pots ($8) 600ml pots ($6) tubestock ($4.5).

This year we have some larger stock which we’ve potted up. The trees average 1m in size plus all our regular tube stock to choose from. Come down and chat to Jemma and Fearghus and they can advise which plants will best suit your soil types.

Nursery season opens Monday 17th March 2025
Opening Hours: 12-4pm Monday & Thursday

Large plants list –

Lemon scented gum Corymbia citrodoraA species of tall tree that is endemic to north-eastern Australia. It has smooth white to pink bark, narrow lance-shaped to curved adult leaves, flower buds in groups of three, white flowers and urn-shaped or barrel-shaped fruit.
Drooping sheoak allocasurina verticilliataOccurs on plains, dry ridges and rocky outcrops generally on shallow, gravelly soils.
Silver banksia banksia marginata Wide range of habitats, including dry forest. Variety of soils including sandy loams, clay loams, shales, peaty loams and rocky soils. Full sun or partial shade.
Lemon scented tea tree leptospernum pattersonii Fast growing, drought hardy native feature tree for sunny locations in both coastal and inland gardens. Leaves are freshly lemon-scented when crushed.
Clustered pomederis pomederis  racemosaMoist well drained loam soils beside watercourses and in riparian forests. Frost tolerant. Dappled to semi shade.
Wedge leaf hop bush dondenea vicosaCommon in dry rocky areas, drier slopes and sandy sites. Scattered across plains, slopes and low hills.
Roundleaf mint bush prosanthera rotundifoliaIt prefers a well drained, moist position with some shelter from direct summer sun.
Woolly wattle acacia lanigeriumWoodland and dry forest, on poor gravelly and sandy soils.
Woolly grevillea grevillea lanigerum It is a spreading shrub with narrowly oblong to more or less linear leaves and clusters of pink to red, and cream-coloured flowers.
River bottlebrush callistemon sieberiTolerates moist to wet conditions, but also dryness and poorly drained soils. Frost tolerant.

Larger Property Orders

It’s not too late to put your large orders in. This way, your order is compiled before you arrive and you may select the month you wish to collect.

Remember that the best time to plant is after the good Autumn rains, don’t wait until Spring!

Download the order form. This is the most up-to-date plant list of what is currently available. The spreadsheet calculates the pricing which is shown on the first page