Clever Country Gardens #2 is here

Clever Country Gardens #2 is here

Following on from the very successful SUMMER dinner talk on Arid Gardening presented by Andrew Laidlaw comes the AUTUMN talk. The topic of this presentation is Habitat Gardens and the fundamentals of the food web.

Cathy Olive, Project Officer with the Euroa Arboretum, will present an entertaining talk on how to bring the fauna back into your garden – from birds and nest boxes to butterfly basking rocks, lizard lounges, frog bogs and insect hotels.

This event will be held at the Flour Mill, Kirkland Street, Euroa at 6pm on Friday, 29th May 2015. The cost is $30 per person which includes a two course meal. Tickets can be purchased on this web-site (see Event Tickets) or at The Hub, Binney Street, Euroa.

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