Daanak (Coolamon) Walking Trail

Use your smartphone over the QR codes to listen
Walking our Daanak, (Coolamon) walking trail, you have the opportunity to hear Taungurung Traditional Owners through the QR code soundscape and learn about the seasonal changes and bush foods in the Arboretum. There are 8 signs in total and the Welcome Sign, you can activate 8 QR Codes and listen to Taungurung language spoken to hear the words written.
Begin at the entrance sign and hear Aunty Lee Healy welcome you to country. Follow the trail across the dam and around to the wetlands. Pause to hear Aunty Cassie Fisher-Patterson singing her wattle collecting song, and Samantha Trist at the wetlands. Learn about the use of cool burning on country with Uncle Shane Monk and a little of the history of the Arb back at the picnic shelter.
Our Daanak walking trail has been a collaborative project between the Taungurung First Peoples and the Euroa Arboretum to enable artists and writers to work together to promote an awareness and understanding of traditional Taungurung knowledge and language and the Taungurung use of the plants that grow at the Arb.