Friends of the Sevens

Friends of the Sevens

Every Monday morning the Gladys meet on the Seven Creek in Euroa to pull weeds, plant seedlings and maintain the ongoing works necessary to rehabilitate this favourite landscape asset.

This volunteer initiative came about through the generosity and unrelenting commitment of Libby Woodhouse – whose energy draws in about a dozen helpers every week.

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In 2012, Euroa Environment Group were successful in receiving a 4 year grant to work on a master plan and revegetation of the Seven Creeks in Euroa and the community group, Friends of the Sevens was born. 

With consistent funding, we were able to work on serious weed infestations and the Arboretum bush crew and volunteers revegetated billabongs and stretches along the Sevens.  Since 2016, we have been successful with small amounts of funding, but never with the ability to have consistent weed control and maintenance. 

That’s where the ‘Gladys’ have stepped in – short for ‘Glenn’s Ladies’.  Glenn Berry from the Euroa Arboretum has continued to work on the Sevens – often in a voluntary capacity – to whipper snip, complete weed control and water. 

Libby Woodhouse, ably assisted by Verity Scales and an increasing number of volunteers, has followed up with detailed hand weeding.  This team have really stepped up during covid times.  Sometimes working in pairs as ‘bubble buddies’ or larger outdoor gatherings as covid restrictions allow, the team, led by Libby Woodhouse, have weeded, mulched and planted along the Sevens.  We love the results!  It has become a fabulous partnership with Friends of the Sevens, Shire, Arboretum, schools but most importantly the community ‘Glady’s team.  Well done Libby for your great leadership, persistence and encouragement.  Your Australia Day award was well deserved. 

by Cathy Olive
Euroa Arboretum Executive Officer: