Healthy Hectares Booklet

Healthy Hectares Booklet

A country property is a great change of pace for many living busy Melbourne lives. The chance to slow down, breathe deeply and inhale eucalyptus instead of fumes, maybe grow some vegies or raise some animals. After years of visiting properties, many new landholders I meet express their delight in the space, the views, wildlife encounters and often mention they would like to earn some money from their property.

Just how much can you earn from a small acreage, and what are some of the land management challenges you might face on your block of land?
Planning your property is your first big step – identifying sensitive areas on your land – watercourses, steep hills and spring soaks. What is your fire risk and what steps will you take to mitigate that risk? Do you have weed or pest animal issues? Where are existing fences and water points for stock? Will you have animals and what are the legal obligations you will need to address as a property owner? Where is your native vegetation and do you want to create better links for wildlife?

It’s not easy navigating each of these questions on your own. We hope to help through the Healthy Hectares program by signposting you to information or local people that can help with your questions. We hope you’ll take the time to visit the website,, read through the booklet, or join us at a training day – these are listed under the News and Events on this website.
Contact Vikki Lane at for the booklet publication or further information about the training days.