Digging began March 2021
We were successful in our application for a ‘climate ready garden and meeting space’ this year. We have engaged Louise Costa and Melissa Stagg as the designers for this area beyond the picnic area. It is in the process of being transformed with shade sculptures and art installations. The installed earth mounds block some of the traffic noise and create an enclosed space for gatherings and workshops. We look forward to incorporating indigenous elements into the design through engagement with Taungurung Traditional Owners.
A grant of $134,354 has been awarded to the Euroa Arboretum Committee of Management to establish a climate ready garden and outdoor visitor precinct. The
project will provide a shaded, restful outdoors area for events and visitor education during summer heat. Partnering with Taungurung Traditional Owners, the new space will showcase a display of drought tolerant and local native species, and demonstrate a local garden adapted for climate change.
The project improves visitor facilities and amenity, and creates new education resources for visitors, local community and Traditional Owners.

From March 2021, the earth movers have been in and out as works began. As you walk through the Arboretum over the next six months, you will see this space progressing.
We’ll launch the Welcome Circle, Daanak Walking Trail and 30 years of Euroa Arboretum. A day with our partners – Taungurung Land and Waters Council, Longwood Plains and Strathbogie Ranges Conservation Management Networks. Join us to celebrate!

installing the sculptural works