Growing trees and creating new environments is a slow process. Those who work closely with an area rarely notice the changes as the vegetation grows and the fauna move in. It is not until you compare photographs of ‘how it was’ and ‘what it is now’ does the magnitude of the change become apparent.
The picture above shows an aerial shot of the Arboretum looking north towards Euroa taken in October 1996 from a light aircraft. Almost twenty years on technology has changed also. The picture below is almost the same scene, but it was taken by a remote-controlled drone last week. Key trees have been indicated with arrows.

There is no doubt that the employees, Friends and all concerned with the Arboretum have made a major change on the landscape. Just ask the family of endangered Diamond Firetails that have taken up residence in the new woodlands.
What a difference a planting or six makes! Try it.