In the olden days, princesses were political assets—married off to unite kingdoms, stop wars and create allegiances. There were many princesses living in lands that were not of their birth.
In the vegetation island created in the picnic area carpark at the Euroa Arboretum, there is also a princess in a strange land — a Silver Princess, Eucalyptus caesia. Silver Princess is endemic to granite outcrops in a restricted area of the central Wheatbelt region of south Western Australia, and is currently classed as rare. This tree was planted at the Arb before the plan was developed to use only locally native plants.
Currently the tree is in full bloom with very spectacular red-pink flowers. The eponymous ‘silver’ refers to the white powder that covers the branches, flower buds and fruit. At the moment the flowers are the epicentre of ‘Wattlebird Wars’, the seasonal battle between the territorial Red Wattlebirds (Anthochaera carunculata), pictured right, and all-other-comers for control of nectar supplies.
This Silver Princess is probably one of the best examples of the species east of the Nullarbor. Big call? Come to the Euroa Arboretum and make up your own mind