Seed storage and sales
Single most important factor in preserving seed. Seed must be dry before storing.

Storage and Sales
Nursery Catalogue
- Select individual species, provenance and quantity.
- All seed lots are packaged separately.
- Prices listed on catalogue page.
- No treatments are applied to nursery seed.
- Minimum of 1g per species/seed lot.
Direct Seeding Catalogue
- Seed mixes are based on the revegetation project location (provenance) and the species found in that area. Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC) assist with species selection.
- Seed mixes are pre-treated prior to being dispatched. Seed treatments are designed to break natural dormancy and improve germination rates. Opting out of seed treatments does not change the price of the seed.
- Generally seed is provided as a bulk mix.
Seed Collection
- The GBIS mission is to provide genetically healthy seed to support landscape restoration activities.
- We strive for improving landscape health and resilience of biodiversity, especially in the face of climate change.
Seed Cleaning
- Once collected, seed is cleaned, batched and stored ready for use.
- There are many cleaning techniques for different species and is time consuming work to achieve the highest quality.
Seed Storage
- We provide quality, diverse and genetically healthy seed.
- Tests seed to ensure viability.
- Supplies and stores a diverse range of indigenous species for the catchment.