Property Assessment
If you are wanting more than just plants, the Euroa Arboretum offers the service of an on-site assessment of your property. A site assessment is a walk and chat about your place. What are your aspirations, vision and capacity for your property?
We can assist with identifying the plants occurring – weeds and natives, recommend a plant list that suits your site and fits your requirements. We can develop a management plan for revegetation, weed removal and management that is sympathetic to your time and physical capacity.
We work alongside of our local landcare groups – we can put you in touch with likeminded groups, assist with sourcing funding if its available, and help you get your project on the ground.
Alternatively, if you are a landcare or friends of group with a great idea, but limitations in implementation, we can assist with planning, site preparation and getting the project growing.
Call us to book a site visit on 0429 127 399.
Depending on your requirements we can offer the following:
- map of the site
- aerial view of the site
- plant identification
- weed identification
- recommended list of plants for various locations on your site
- detailed management plans for re-vegetation, weed removal, etc
- funding information
- links to relevant Landcare groups
- sources of other information