The Olives give the good oil

The Olives give the good oil

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Geoff and Cathy

Last Friday night more than 50 people got the good oil from the Olives, Cathy and Geoff, at the second Clever Country Gardens series dinner talk held at the Flour Mill Gallery in Euroa. The topic was ‘Habitat Gardening’. Using lots of photos and some clever drawings of bird-beaks to illustrate, Cathy talked about creating gardens with the form and structure to attract wildlife – different birds,

The post-show Olive press (+ some Protheros for good measure)

butterflies, frogs and lizards. Four sample gardens were featured. Geoff, sitting quietly in the audience, could not help himself while his daughter proudly showed off his garden, and bounded up on stage to explain the design and vegetation.

The next dinner talk in the series will be held on Saturday, 4 July, entitled ‘Kids in Nature’.