Order Plants
Download Form Download the Excel Plant Order Form by clicking the button below.
Open in Excel
Open the Plant Order form in Excel. You may need to enable Editing and Enable Content.
Provide your details and plant collection time
Complete your information and Save the file and name your file starting with the year then first name/last name
Go to second Tab and Enter Plant Numbers into first column
Enter Plant Numbers Next, click on the Order Form Tab put the quantity of Plants and/or Accessories. The numbers are entered in the first column, this is all you need to do on this page.
Return to Summary Tab to see Pricing
Once you have ordered the plants you want now return to the Summary Tab to review your order and see pricing total.
Save and upload on Website Save the file. Return to the Web Page and Upload the file. Then complete verification and press the submit button.
Should you wish to Email your order please open the Excel Order Form, fill in your details on the Summary Tab and state the quantity of Plants you require on the Order Form. Then send your order to nursery@euroaarboretum.com.au
Importance of indicating required month for collecting plants
Plants that are ordered are available for collection from April to September. Show your desired month for collection in the first tab ‘Summary’ page. Wildflower availability is variable and collection dates are negotiable.
- Please note that tube stock is best planted after good Autumn rains to allow as much time to develop roots as it may get too dry in spring.